
Kleen Spa® Filter Cartridge Cleaner

Grouped product items
Product Name SKU MPN Price Qty Stock
Kleen Spa® Filter Cartridge Cleaner 1 litre Kleen Spa® Filter Cartridge Cleaner 1 litre 32800 SPACRT001RWA
£9.59 £7.99
- +
10 In stock
Kleen Spa® Filter Cartridge Cleaner 5 litre Kleen Spa® Filter Cartridge Cleaner 5 litre 32831 RWA32831
£39.48 £32.90
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2 In stock
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Kleen Spa®/ RWA liquid cleaner is highly effective for a traditional cartridge filter. it is applied directly to the filter cleaning container and left to soak for a minimum of 8 hours. The filter is then removed and rinsed off with fresh water.

  1. Remove cartridge from spa and hose off any loose debris.
  2. Fill a clean plastic bucket, large enough to completely immerse the cartridge, with clean water.
  3. Add 1 litre of Kleen Spa® Cartridge Cleaner for every 20 litres of water in the bucket.
  4. Carefully immerse the cartridge in the solution and allow to soak overnight or for at least 8 hours.
  5. Remove cartridge from the solution and rinse thoroughly with fresh water.
  6. For best results, allow the cartridge to dry before returning to the spa.
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